I've run into an error, where global seems to not work properly and can't access variable.
Here's my code:
function getComments($id)
global $conn;
$COMPONENT_NAME = "view_company_comments";
include_once "validateUser.php";
Just for context, if COMPONENT_NAME
isn't going to be present in some defined list, script execution will stop using die() function.
Now inside "validateUser.php":
(explained everything in comments)
if (!isset($COMPONENT_NAME)) {
die(json_encode(["error" => "validating user: component was not set."]));
} else {
include_once "permissions.php";
$validateUser_allowedActions = permissionsInitActions();
//So far in, var_dump($COMPONENT_NAME) works properly here, and I get the component name succesfully.
//But watch next:
//"permissionsAllowed()" is a function from "permissions.php",
//this function returns "false" here, expected result is "true"
if (!permissionsAllowed($validateUser_allowedActions)) {
die(json_encode(["error" => $COMPONENT_NAME . ": Unvalidated user privillege."]));
And inside "permissions.php":
function permissionsAllowed($actions)
global $COMPONENT_NAME, $conn;
//Here, var_dump($COMPONENT_NAME) results to "null", which is weird
//because in "validateUser.php" it is a correct string value.
$sql = "SELECT id FROM permission_actions WHERE `name` = '$COMPONENT_NAME'";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
$actionID = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)["id"];
if (in_array($actionID, $actions)) {
return true;
return false;
What is happening here? What am I missing?
Thanks for any help.
is not a global variable in getComments
. Although you have declared it global
in permissionsAllowed
, it is not declared global
in getComments
in getComments
is local to that scope and hence not visible via global $COMPONENT_NAME
in permissionsAllowed
Consider the following code (demo):
$b = 5;
function f1 () {
global $a;
$a = 4;
$b = 3;
$c = 2;
function f2 () {
global $a, $b, $c;
is not declared at the top level but is declared global
in f1
and f2
- modifications made to it in f1
can be seen in f2
is declared at the top level, but only global
in f2
. $b
in f1
is local to that scope and changes to it have no effect on $b
in f2
is not declared at the top level and is only global
in f2
. Again, $c
in f1
is local to that scope and changes to it have no effect on $c
in f2
, so the global $c
that is referred to in f2
has no value (null
) since it is not set anywhere.