In a directed graph with V nodes and E edges, the Bellman-Ford algorithm relaxes every vertex (or rather, the edges going out of every vertex) (V - 1) times. This is because the shortest path from the source to any other node contains at most (V - 1) edges. In the V-th iteration, if an edge can be relaxed, it indicates the presence of a negative cycle.
Now, I need to find the other nodes "ruined" by this negative cycle. That is, some nodes not on the negative cycle now have a distance of negative infinity from the source because of one or more nodes on the path from the source to the node that lie in a negative cycle.
One way to accomplish this is to run Bellman-Ford and take note of the nodes on negative cycles. Then, run DFS/BFS from these nodes to mark other nodes.
However, why can't we run the Bellman-Ford 2 * (V - 1) times to detect such nodes without resorting to DFS/BFS? If my understanding is right, relaxing all vertices 2 * (V - 1) times should allow the negative cycles to "propagate" their values to all other connected nodes.
Additional Details: I encountered this situation when solving this online problem:
The Java code that I used (along with BFS/DFS that is not shown here) is as follows:
// Relax all vertices n - 1 times.
// And relax one more time to find negative cycles
for (int vv = 1; vv <= n; vv++) {
// Relax each vertex
for (int v = 0; v < n; v++) {
// For each edge
if (distTo[v] != (int) 1e9) {
for (int i = 0; i < adjList[v].size(); i++) {
int dest = adjList[v].get(i).fst;
int wt = adjList[v].get(i).snd;
if (distTo[v] + wt < distTo[dest]) {
distTo[dest] = distTo[v] + wt;
if (vv == n) {
isInfinite[v] = true;
isInfinite[dest] = true;
Consider a graph with N=4, M=5
A -> B weight 1000
A -> C weight 1000
C -> D weight -1
D -> C weight -1
D -> B weight 1000
Let A be our source and B be the destination.
Now obviously there is a negative cycle (C <-> D)
. But whether we run the algorithm N times or 2N times or even 3N times, the shortest path from A to B is still 1000. Since the negative cycle only reduces the distance by a small amount every time it is used, it does not propogate to the other nodes as we expect it to.
A solution would be to mark the distance as negative infinity once a cycle affecting a node is identified. That way the negative cycle "takes precendence" over other shortest paths through other nodes.
Yours sincerely,
A fellow coder who has spent lots of time on this problem.