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Is there any method to find all the table in database that has column with specific values eg. EMP_NAME = ABC?

select table_name
from user_tab_columns
where column_name IN ('EMP_NAME');

This query gives around 150 table names. I want to find all the tables that has column "EMP_NAME" = ABC and delete it. How do I fetch all the tables that has value on the column "EMP_NAME" = ABC ?


  • For example: I'll create emp_temp table and modify one of its rows so that its ENAME column contains LITTLEFOOT - that's what I want to remove.

    SQL> create table emp_temp as select * from emp;
    Table created.
    SQL> update emp_temp set ename = 'LITTLEFOOT' where ename = 'KING';
    1 row updated.

    Let's do it:

    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> declare
      2    l_str varchar2(500);
      3    l_cnt number := 0;
      4  begin
      5    for cur_r in (select u.table_name, u.column_name
      6                  from user_tab_columns u, user_tables t
      7                  where u.table_name = t.table_name
      8                    and u.column_name = 'ENAME'
      9                 )
     10    loop
     11      l_str := 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' || cur_r.table_name ||
     12              ' WHERE ' || cur_r.column_name || ' =  ''LITTLEFOOT''';
     14      execute immediate (l_str) into l_cnt;
     16      if l_cnt > 0 then
     17        dbms_output.put_line(l_cnt ||' : ' || cur_r.table_name);
     18       execute immediate 'delete from ' || cur_r.table_name ||
     19         ' where ' ||cur_r.column_name || ' = ''LITTLEFOOT''';
     20      end if;
     21    end loop;
     22  end;
     23  /
    1 : EMP_TEMP
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * From emp_temp where ename = 'LITTLEFOOT';
    no rows selected

    Apparently, I've been deleted. Terminated. But I'll be back.