I am a beginner programmer using Python, and I am trying to create encryption software (Beginner). I am looking for something like:
Input: Apple -> A, P, P, L, E -> ord() -> 97,"","","","" -> hex() -> 0x16, "","" ,"" ,""
However, I cannot find a way to translate my characters to integers while accounting for an unknown amount of characters in input.
Sentence = list(input("Enter"))
ord_sentence = []
for each in range(len(Sentence)):
This then doesn't work because the argument at the end of Sentence is empty, but I don't know how to make it fill with each individual character. I could try
while len(ord_sentence) <= len(Sentence)
##Continues on to 1000 to account for unknown input##
But then, I run into INDEX ERROR when the input isn't exactly 1000 characters long, and putting something like:
if IndexError:
Only results in it printing the first digit of the sequence, and then breaking.
Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!!!
I think you need to read about how loops work again. When you iterate over something, the value gets assigned to a variable. In your code, that's each
. You never use that variable for anything, but I think it's what you're looking for.
for each in range(len(Sentence)):
Iterating over a range
and indexing as you're doing here works, but it's not as direct as just iterating on the list directly. You could instead do:
for each in Sentence: # no range, len, each is a character
ord_sentence.append(ord(each)) # take its ord() directly
Or you could use a list comprehension to build a new list form an old one directly, without a separate loop and a bunch of append
ord_sentence = [ord(each) for each in Sentence]
While each
is the name you've been using in your code, it is better practice to give a more specific name to your variables, that tells you what the value means. In the first version here, where you're iterating over a range
, I'd use index
, since that's what the number you get is (an index into the list). For the other two, value
or character
might make more sense, since the value is a single character from the Sentence
list. Speacking of that list, its name is a little misleading, as I'd expect a sentence to be a string, or maybe a list of words, not a list of characters (that might have come from more or less than one sentence, e.g. ['f', 'o', 'o']
or ['F', 'o', 'o', '.', ' ', 'B', 'a', 'r', '.']