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Extensible record types

I'm attempting a simple exercise with shapeless' extensible records.

It's a typeclass called Projection, which should be able to somewhat combine the functionality of Updater and Remover:

import shapeless._
import shapeless.tag._
import shapeless.record._
import shapeless.labelled._
import shapeless.ops.record._
import shapeless.syntax._
// Probably way too many imports

trait Projection[A <: HList, K, V] {
    type B <: HList

    def to(a: A, v: V): B
    def from(b: B): A

object Projection {
    type Aux[A <: HList, K, V, B0 <: HList] = Projection[A, K, V] { type B = B0 }

    type Key[K] = Symbol with Tagged[K]
    type F[K, V] = V with FieldType[Key[K], V]

    implicit def mkProjection[A <: HList, K, V, B0 <: HList](implicit
        keyWitness: Witness.Aux[K],
        updater: Updater.Aux[A, F[K, V], B0],
        remover: Remover.Aux[B0, K, (V, A)]
    ): Projection.Aux[A, K, V, B0] = new Projection[A, K, V] {
        type B = B0

        def from(b: B0): A = b - keyWitness
        def to(a: A, v: V): B0 = a + field[Key[K]](v)

My rather simple test

import Projection._

val thirdFieldWitness = Witness("thirdField")
val projector = implicitly[Projection[HNil, thirdFieldWitness.T, Boolean]]

unfortunately fails with the error

could not find implicit value for parameter e: Projection[shapeless.HNil,ProjectionSpec.this.thirdFieldWitness.T,Boolean]
[error]         val projector = implicitly[Projection[HNil, thirdFieldWitness.T, Boolean]]

-Xlog-implicits shows the reason for it:

ProjectionSpec.scala:18:35: record.this.Remover.mkRemover is not a valid implicit value for shapeless.ops.record.Remover.Aux[Boolean with shapeless.labelled.FieldType[Projection.Key[ProjectionSpec.this.thirdFieldWitness.T],Boolean] :: shapeless.HNil,ProjectionSpec.this.thirdFieldWitness.T,(Boolean, shapeless.HNil)] because:
[info] hasMatchingSymbol reported error: No field String("thirdField") in record type Boolean with shapeless.labelled.FieldType[Projection.Key[ProjectionSpec.this.thirdFieldWitness.T],Boolean] :: shapeless.HNil
[info]         val projector = implicitly[Projection[HNil, thirdFieldWitness.T, Boolean]]

Please help me understand this message and show me how to fix it.

Is there possibly an easier way to do this kind of extension and shortening of labelled generics?


  • Except -Xlog-implicits, one more standard way of debugging implicits is to resolve them manually and look at compile error.


    object Projection {
      type Aux[A <: HList, K, V, B0 <: HList] = Projection[A, K, V] { type B = B0 }
      type Key[K] = Symbol with Tagged[K]
      type F[K, V] = FieldType[Key[K], V]
      implicit def mkProjection[A <: HList, K, V, B0 <: HList](implicit
        keyWitness: Witness.Aux[Key[K]],
        updater: Updater.Aux[A, F[K, V], B0],
        remover: Remover.Aux[B0, Key[K], (V, A)]
      ): Projection.Aux[A, K, V, B0] = new Projection[A, K, V] {
        type B = B0
        def from(b: B0): A = b - keyWitness
        def to(a: A, v: V): B0 = a + field[Key[K]](v)


    implicitly[Projection.Aux[HNil, "thirdField", Boolean, Record.`'thirdField -> Boolean`.T]]


    But although implicitly[thirdFieldWitness.T =:= "thirdField"]

    implicitly[Projection.Aux[HNil, thirdFieldWitness.T, Boolean, Record.`'thirdField -> Boolean`.T]]

    still doesn't compile. But manually resolved

      Record.`'thirdField -> Boolean`.T
      implicitly[Updater.Aux[HNil, FieldType[Witness.`'thirdField`.T, Boolean], Record.`'thirdField -> Boolean`.T]],
      implicitly[Remover.Aux[Record.`'thirdField -> Boolean`.T, Witness.`'thirdField`.T, (Boolean, HNil)]]

    compiles. The thing seems to be that implicitly[Witness.Aux[Key["thirdField"]]] compiles but implicitly[Witness.Aux[Key[thirdFieldWitness.T]]] doesn't ("Symbol with Tagged[thirdFieldWitness.T] is not a singleton type").

    You can fix compilation if you add

    implicit def extraWitness[S <: String](implicit 
      w: Witness.Aux[S]
    ): Witness.Aux[Symbol @@ S] = Witness.mkWitness(tag[S](Symbol(w.value)))

    I would use standard Symbol-based API

    object Projection {
      type Aux[A <: HList, K, V, B0 <: HList] = Projection[A, K, V] { type B = B0 }
      type F[K, V] = FieldType[K, V]
      implicit def mkProjection[A <: HList, K, V, B0 <: HList](implicit
        keyWitness: Witness.Aux[K],
        updater: Updater.Aux[A, F[K, V], B0],
        remover: Remover.Aux[B0, K, (V, A)]
      ): Projection.Aux[A, K, V, B0] = new Projection[A, K, V] {
        type B = B0
        def from(b: B0): A = b - keyWitness
        def to(a: A, v: V): B0 = a + field[K](v)
    implicitly[Projection.Aux[HNil, Witness.`'thirdField`.T, Boolean, Record.`'thirdField -> Boolean`.T]]
    val thirdFieldWitness = Witness('thirdField)
    implicitly[Projection.Aux[HNil, thirdFieldWitness.T, Boolean, Record.`'thirdField -> Boolean`.T]]