Assume we have class A
class A(val x: Any)(val y: Any)
then we want to instantiate it reflectively having x & y values:
def instantiate[T](aClass: Class[T], args: List[Any]): T = {
val mirror = ru.runtimeMirror(aClass.getClassLoader)
val classMirror = mirror.reflectClass(mirror.classSymbol(aClass))
val constructorMirror = classMirror.reflectConstructor(getPrimaryConstructor(aClass))
constructorMirror.apply(args: _*).asInstanceOf[T]
this method works fine for classes with one paramList and how to do instantiate class with ()() in primary constructor? I suppose my instantiate method would have signature:
instantiate[T](aClass: Class[T], args: List[List[Any]]): T = ???
Solved! It's very simple. Just image that there is only one param list with summ of parameters class A(x, y) instead of A(x)(y)