I must be missing something very obvious with blazor... I want to simply render a list containing a component, yet there's no (obvious?) way to reference the iterator (which is a component) for rendering?
<input @bind="_newTodo" />
<button @onclick="@AddTodoItem">+</button>
@foreach (TodoItem todoItem in _todoItems)
// todoItem is a razor component, yet I can't simply render it here?
// <todoItem />
@code {
private IList<TodoItem> _todoItems = new List<TodoItem>();
private string _newTodo;
private void AddTodoItem()
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_newTodo))
_todoItems.Add(new TodoItem { Title = _newTodo });
_newTodo = string.Empty;
@code {
public string Title { get; set; }
One solution to do that is have a class that holds the component properties and pass the properties to it
<input @bind="_newTodo" />
<button @onclick="@AddTodoItem">+</button>
@foreach (TodoItem todoItem in _todoItemsDto)
// Pass the Dto properties to the component
<TodoItem Title="@todoItem.Title" />
@code {
private IList<TodoItemDto> _todoItemsDto = new List<TodoItemDto>();
private string _newTodo;
class TodoItemDto {
public string Title { get; set; }
private void AddTodoItem()
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_newTodo))
_todoItems.Add(new TodoItemDto { Title = _newTodo });
_newTodo = string.Empty;