I am using Azure Media Service to live stream an event. My source is a HD SDI feed being captured via an AJA Kona LHi card and sent to Azure using Wirecast.
I'm using the default settings in Wirecast for Azure Media Service. I am using standard encoding and the 720p preset. I am using the Azure Media Player embedded in a private site.
Everything seems to work however iOS devices are unable to AirPlay the stream. The video plays correctly on the device but no AirPlay controls are available.
If I use the exact same setup to stream my webcam the AirPlay controls are available. Is there some specific configuration required to make this work reliably?
On iPad, Azure Media Player by default streams the videos in DASH. You need to specify the techorder to use give HLS a higher priority, e.g.:
var myOptions = {
techOrder: ["html5", "azureHtml5JS", "flashSS"],
autoplay: false,
controls: true,
width: "640",
height: "400",
var myPlayer = amp("azuremediaplayer", myOptions);
If you don't see the AirPlay button on the video player, you can do a swipe down gesture on the upper right region of the screen and bring up the "Quick controls" to access AirPlay:
If this still doesn't work, reply with the url of your webpage and I can take a look.