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How to use inner join in sql server to join two tables and overwrite that in first table

INNER JOIN Sales_Category c1 ON c1.MPCID = c1.Category_Id 
WHERE Date_of_Purchase > DATEADD(d, -90, getdate()) 

Table1-OrderDetails contains fields=Bill_To_Id,MPC,Order_value,Category_Id

Table2-Sales_Category contains fields = `MPCID


  • I am still not clear on if you want the Category_Id in your select query results to come from Sales_Category rather than OrderDetails or if you actually want to update the data in OrderDetails with the corresponding value in Sales_Category. Therefore, I will provide both and you can take it from there. I will warn you to be careful when running update statements because you are actually altering the data.

    create table OrderDetails
      OrderLine_Id int
    , OrderId int
    , Bill_to_Id int
    , Date_of_Purchase date
    , MPC int
    , Order_Value int
    , Category_Id int
    create table Sales_Category
      Category_Id int
    , MPC int
    insert into OrderDetails values
      (4, 711, 8566, '2018-05-11', 5450, 10000, null)
    , (8, 5555, 8123, '2020-03-11', 6700, 20000, null)
    , (103, 456, 123456, '2019-02-05', 71883, 30000, null)
    , (1, 123, 67999, '2020-02-08', 7899, 40000, null)
    , (2, 678, 9913, '2020-01-11', 9908, 50000, null)
    , (3, 488, 98564, '2020-02-14', 999, 60000, null)
    , (null, null, null, null, null, null, null)
    insert into Sales_Category values
      (1, 5450)
    , (2, 6700)
    , (3, 9908)
    -- OrderDetails populated with sample data
    select * from OrderDetails
    -- Sales_Category populated with sample data
    select * from Sales_Category
    -- this will get Category_Id from Sales_Category rather than OrderDetails
    , od.MPC
    , od.Order_Value
    , sc.Category_Id
    from OrderDetails od
    left join Sales_Category sc on od.MPC = sc.MPC
    where od.Date_of_Purchase > DATEADD(d, -90, getdate())
    -- this shows nothing has actually been updated yet
    select * from OrderDetails
    update OrderDetails
    set Category_Id = sc.Category_Id
    from OrderDetails od
    inner join Sales_Category sc on od.MPC = sc.MPC
    where od.Date_of_Purchase > DATEADD(d, -90, getdate())
    -- this shows that Category_Id in OrderDetails has been updated where the
    -- MPC values match and the Date_of_Purchase is within the last 90 days
    select * from OrderDetails

    Here is the demo of this code. This is the type of thing you should provide when asking a question to make is as easy as possible for someone to help you.