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How can I highlight/format a specific date label (e.g. today) on a time axis using chart.js?

I have a chart with the x-axis being a time line. The following is the relevant extract from the ChartOptions:

              display: true,
              type: 'time',
              time: {
                unit: this.shortPeriod ? 'day' : 'week',
                displayFormats: {
                  day: 'ddd',
                  week: '[W] W'
                isoWeekday: true,
                display: false,
                tooltipFormat: 'dddd DD. MMM'

Example of a week:

enter image description here

Now I would love to adjust/format a specific date label, like

  1. Replacing today's date with the label "Today"
  2. Increase the font weight to bold

Any idea how I could achieve that?


  • You can apply any custom formatting you want to return the text "Today":

    In 3.0 (currently in alpha), you can use scriptable tick options to make a single tick of your choosing bold:

    fontStyle: function(context) {
            return context.index === 0 ? 'bold' : undefined;