I'd like to display a UIImageView
with some animation and i'm thinking i'd like for it to appear on the screen pixel by pixel moving left to right, line by line. A bit like a printer would print an image.
I haven't got a clue where to start with this.
I was thinking maybe overlay the UIImageView
with another view that can use animation to become transparent, but how can I make it happen?
Well one idea is, we have one view on top of your image, covering it entirely. Let's call this view V. Move that view down by 1 point, so a line of your image is exposed. Then have another view on top of your image, covering it entirely again. Let's call this view H. Then move that view right by 1 point. Now one "pixel" (or rather, a 1x1 point grid) of your image is exposed.
We'll animate H to the right. When it reaches the end, we'll put it back where it started, move V and H down by 1 point, and repeat the process.
Here's something to get you started.
extension UIView {
- Parameter seconds: the time for one line to reveal
func scanReveal(seconds: Double) {
let colour = self.superview?.backgroundColor ?? UIColor.black
let v = UIView(frame: self.bounds)
v.backgroundColor = colour
let h = UIView(frame: self.bounds)
h.backgroundColor = colour
v.frame.origin.y += 1
// Animate h to the end.
// When it reaches the end, bring it back, move v and h down by 1 and repeat.
func move() {
UIView.animate(withDuration: seconds, animations: {
h.frame.origin.x = h.bounds.height
}) { _ in
h.frame.origin.x = 0
h.frame.origin.y += 1
v.frame.origin.y += 1
if v.frame.origin.y > self.bounds.height {