I cannot get unicode characters from form to db
The webdesigner/seo-guy wants to use an unicode character ✅ (9989, which shows up as a whute checkmark in a green box.
The data in the CMS is entered through a form, both a
If I paste the ✅ directly into database, using Mssql SSMS, character is seem in the field, and unicode(field) is 9989.
The asp can retrieve the ✅ and put it as value in the html form.
I post the form, the page shows the form sends the correct code, ✅. the page then post the contents and retrieves it again, but the value stored is not ✅ but "?", char 63.
So DB->form is ok, form->DB is broken.
My page starts with
<% Response.Charset="UTF-8"%>
<% Response.codepage="65001" %>
<form method='post' accept-charset="utf-8">
The field in the db is nvarchar, SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AI though I tried Danish_Norvegian too, no difference.
I have the insert wrapped in a function, but unwrapped it's like this:
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
Set cmd.ActiveConnection = connection
cmd.CommandType = 1 ' adCmdText
cmd.CommandText = "update t_kat set meta_title=?,meta_description=? where id=?"
cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("",adVarChar,1,255, request.form("meta_title"))
cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("",adVarChar,1,255, request.form("meta_description"))
cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("",adInteger,1,255, request.form("id")
It works if I say server.htmlencode(request.form("meta_description"))
but then ✅æøåÆØÅ gets stored in the db as ✅æøåÆØÅ
which I'd rather avoid.
In worst case, id accept the "wierd" characters as ✅
but I prefer the other characters as-is. But I don't think there is an option to select which characters are replaced.
I could do a replace of each "weird" charactes to %#nnnn
format (I don't think he uses that many) in the CMS frontend before storing, but I'd rather not go there either.
SOLVED! The parameter should be the right type:
cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter("",adVarWChar,1,255, request.form("meta_title")
instead of adVarChar
I think only quotes are in need of being replaced when using the data in a input text form
<input type='text' name="meta_title" value="<%=replace("""",""",res("meta_title"))%>">
This is to prevent invalid HTML like
<input type="text" value="The 11'8" bridge">
Turning it into <input type="text" value="The 11'8" bridge">
If used as text, the <
needs escaping;