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How to delete rows of my googlesheets using R

I am using the googlesheets4 package to access my Googlesheets.
I can retrieve the data from my file named Youtube and the sheet named Youtube_Links but I would like to delete some rows, for example rows 16 to 18 for all columns.

I have seen recently a sheets_delete() function was added on github but when I do lsf.str("package:googlesheets4") to see all the functions of this package I don't see that function in the list.

Do you know the steps I need to take to be able to use it?

I tried the following but without any success: sheets_delete(Youtube, sheet = "Youtube_Links", range = "16:18", shift = NULL)


  • I just downloaded the development version from GitHub and have the sheets_delete() function:

    # install.packages("devtools")