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Is there a power function in CSS?

I know you can write a power function in Sass with a loop. Is there one specifially in CSS? Or a way to write one?


  • The working group already approved such functions

    The CSS Working Group just discussed trig, and agreed to the following:

    RESOLVED: Add sin() cos() tan() acos() asin() atan() atan2() hypot() sqrt() pow()

    And it's now under the CSS Values and Units Module Level 4 Specification:

    The exponential functions pow(), sqrt(), hypot(), log(), and exp() compute various exponential functions with their arguments.

    The pow(A, B) function contains two comma-separated calculations A and B, both of which must resolve to <number>s, and returns the result of raising A to the power of B, returning the value as a <number>.

    We only need to wait for their support by the browsers