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Decorative page border in LaTeX and TikZ

Long-time LaTeX user but first time posting. I'm out of my depth with TikZ and don't know if there is a better way to approach this problem.

I'm trying to add a decorative page border along the top of every page so that it resembles the border of an airmail envelope: a repeating sequence of blue, blank and red parallelograms. This is intended to be a full bleed pattern that will extend to the edge of the physical page when printed. Example below.

air mail pattern example

I would like to generate this pattern in LaTeX if possible, and have tried a few things with TikZ but with limited success. I can draw a single thick border at the edge of the page (MWE below) but cannot modify this code to draw sequential parallelograms because I'm out of my depth already with TikZ.


\newcommand{\myborder}{\tikz[remember picture,overlay] 
    \draw [blue,line width=5mm]
    (current page.north west)
    (current page.north east)

\chead[\myborder]{\myborder} % for page borders


One way to draw parallelograms uses nodes but my application does not require text in the parallelogram and I could not modify this code to suit my needs.

This approach is simpler but I cannot modify this code sufficiently to make it work with the border code in the MWE.

I'm stuck and would really appreciate some guidance about how to solve this.



  • One easy approach is to draw inclined red and blue lines and then clip them to a rectangle:

      \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
        \clip (current page.north west) rectangle ($(current page.north east)+(0,-0.7)$);
        \foreach \x in {-9,-6.3,...,27}{
          \draw[red, line width=0.6cm, rotate=-45] (\x,-\paperheight) -- ++(0,2*\paperheight);
          \draw[blue!30!lightgray,line width=0.6cm, rotate=-45] (\x+1.35,-\paperheight) -- ++(0,2*\paperheight);
    \chead[\myborder]{\myborder} % for page borders

    enter image description here