My mobile App currently performs SSO using following steps
Web Server
Web Server
trusts IDP, accepts SML token and generates Session tokenweb server
APIs with this session tokenNow due to security reasons Session token is not advisable to be stored on Mobile Device, whereas OIDC or JWT tokens can be stored
As my Web Application does not support generating OIDC tokens so I thought of adding one more layer of AWS Cognito in between my mobile device and IDP. Now the authentication flow will be like (SAML User Pool IdP Authentication flow)
Now my question is once I have OIDC token, how mobile App will call my web server
for any API calls? Is it through Cognito? Direct call to my web server will not work as it does not understand the OIDC token returned by Cognito? How I can achieve this communication from Mobile App to my Web server?
UPDATE: I was able to validate the JWT token from my web server issued by Cognito. If anyone else is looking to do the same then they can refer this cognitojwt library (not written by me just found it on internet)
OIDC tokens returned by Cognito are ID Token and Access Token, both are JWT. You can pass these to your custom backend directly (most commonly in Authorization
On the backend you should decode and verify the token using your user pool's public key (JWK). JWK is available at https://cognito-idp.{region}{userPoolId}/.well-known/jwks.json
. If token is valid and not expired, you can trust it and use it for custom backend authorization logic.
The whole process of verifying tokens is described here and there are a number of open source libraries which will help you do that.