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Vue getter returns undefined when page reload

I have a blog with some posts. When you click on the preview you will redirect on the page post. On the page of the post, I use a getter to load the correct post (I use the find function to return which corresponds to the correct object in the array of objects).

const state = {
    ricettario: [], // data that contains all recipes (array of objects)

const actions = {
    // Bind State and Firestore collection
    init: firestoreAction(({ bindFirestoreRef }) => {
        bindFirestoreRef('ricettario', db.collection('____').orderBy('data'))

const getters = {
    caricaRicetta(state) {
        console.log('Vuex Getter FIRED => ', state.ricettario)
        return nameParamByComponent => state.ricettario.find(ricetta => {
            return === nameParamByComponent

In the component, I call the getter in the computed property

computed: {
    ...mapGetters('ricettaStore', ['caricaRicetta']),
    ricetta() {
      return this.caricaRicetta(this.slug) // this.slug is the prop of the URL (by Router)

Anything goes in the right way but when I reload the page in the POST PAGE, the getter will fire 2 times:
1. return an error because the state is null
2. return the correct object
// screen below

enter image description here

So everything works fine from the front but not at all in the console and in the App.
I think the correct way is to call the getters in the created hook. What I've to change? It is a problem with the computed prop, getters or state?


  <div v-if="ricetta.validate === true" id="sezione-ricetta">
    <div class="container">
      <div class="row">
        <div class="col s12 m10 offset-m1 l8 offset-l2">
            :alt="'Ricetta ' + ricetta.titolo"
  <div v-else>


  • You are trying to validate undifined property. So you need to check ricetta first.

    Try like this:

    <div v-if="ricetta && ricetta.validate === true" id="sezione-ricetta">