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How can I get selected text in pdf in Javascript?

I'm writing a Chrome Extention to manipulate pdf file so I want to get selected text in the pdf. How can I do that.

Some thing like that:

enter image description here


  • You can use the internal undocumented commands of the built-in PDF viewer.

    Here's an example of a content script:

    function getPdfSelectedText() {
      return new Promise(resolve => {
        window.addEventListener('message', function onMessage(e) {
          if (e.origin === 'chrome-extension://mhjfbmdgcfjbbpaeojofohoefgiehjai' &&
     && === 'getSelectedTextReply') {
            window.removeEventListener('message', onMessage);
        // runs code in page context to access postMessage of the embedded plugin
        const script = document.createElement('script');
        if (chrome.runtime.getManifest().manifest_version > 2) {
          script.src = chrome.runtime.getURL('query-pdf.js');
        } else {
          script.textContent = `(${() => {
            document.querySelector('embed').postMessage({type: 'getSelectedText'}, '*');
    chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((msg, sender, sendResponse) => {
      if (msg === 'getPdfSelection') {
        return true;

    This example assumes you send a message from the popup or background script:

    chrome.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true}, ([tab]) => {
      chrome.tabs.sendMessage(, 'getPdfSelection', sel => {
        // do something

    See also How to open the correct devtools console to see output from an extension script?

    ManifestV3 extensions also need this:

    • manifest.json should expose query-pdf.js

        "web_accessible_resources": [{
          "resources": ["query-pdf.js"],
          "matches": ["<all_urls>"],
          "use_dynamic_url": true
    • query-pdf.js

      document.querySelector('embed').postMessage({type: 'getSelectedText'}, '*')