Using angular 8, I am generating a list of user context where the user can select his connection context. As one of the context proposed is always the current context, I want to be able to check the radio button when current context is true, so on the user context dropdown opening, the current context is automatically checked.
Problem is, I can't find a way to bind the checked property to a boolean. Something like : checked="currentUser.currentContext".
<tr *ngFor="let reworkedCollabspace of reworkedCollabspaces; let i = index">
<input type="radio" name="selectUserContext" id="checkBox{{i}}"
(click)="updateSelectedCollabspace(reworkedCollabspace, i)"
<li>{{ reworkedCollabspace.domain }}</li>
<li>{{ reworkedCollabspace.organization }}</li>
<li>{{ reworkedCollabspace.role }}</li>
<li>prefered : {{ reworkedCollabspace.prefered }}</li>
<li>current : {{ reworkedCollabspace.current }}</li>
<li>selected : {{ reworkedCollabspace.selected }}</li>
So far the best approach I found is the use of
[attr.checked]="respondent.genderType=='1' ? 'checked' : null"
Plus to wrap the radio into a form. See those 2 related posts for more information :