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Year, Month, and Day parameters describe an un-representable DateTime how to ignore

I am using ODBC to read data from a pervasive PSQL database and in some scenarios, the date column can contain 00/00/0000 date. I don't really care about invalid dates so is there some way I can convert all of these un-representable dates into Null or some specific date instead of the query failing.


The following shows the code I am using and where it is failing:

Private _connODBC As OdbcConnection

Dim dt As New DataTable
_connODBC = New OdbcConnection(txtConnectionString.Text)

Dim dataadapter = New OdbcDataAdapter(QueryString, _connODBC)
dataadapter.Fill(dt) '<--- This line throws the unrepresentable date time error


  • @SSS got me me thinking that this could be done in the query, although it is a bit long winded:

    SELECT CASE CONVERT([updated date], SQL_CHAR) 
    WHEN '0000-00-00' THEN NULL 
    ELSE [updated date] END 
    AS [updated date] FROM fingerscans

    Although I would like a solution doesn't rely on me having to remember to do this whenever I read the database!