We are doing an MS Access to Oracle conversion and I am on step one: Researching and capturing all the forms, queries, and the rest of the table definitions in Access. I have transferred both the main and split database (.accdb) to my local drive. However, I am unable to view or open the forms and most of the queries in Access because they reside in a folder on a shared drive that I do not have permission to.
Instead of giving me permission, the directions given to me:
You have to change the pointer in access to point to where you put the file on your hard drive. (Where I transferred both the main/split DBs)
I have no earthly idea how to go about this and it's embarrassing. Will anyone please elaborate on how to do this in Access?
If I am understanding you correctly, you have a split MS Access database, consisting of a front end (FE.accdb) containing the queries, forms, reports and modules (and possibly some static tables), and a back end (BE.accdb) containing the tables.
Now that you have moved both of these files away from the "live" environment, the front end can no longer see the original back end, as it is stored in a place where you don't have permissions to access it, and you need to point it to your local copy of the back end.
If this is the case, open the front end, and select "External Data" from the menu at the top of Access. Then select "Linked Table Manager", which will bring up a screen like the one below:
Click on "Select All", and then "Relink". Choose the location of your copy of the back end, and click "Open" to start relinking.