I have one screen split into 2 halves. Top half has a listview and the bottom will display the details based on the onTap: from the listTile within the listview above.
My code looks something like this, after removing all irrelevant pieces:
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(
// app bar details
), // AppBar
body: SingleChildScrollView (
child: Column(
children: <Widget>[
child: populatelistview();
SizedBox(height: ...),
child: detailsView();
), // Column
) // SingleChildScrollView
So, in order to get the detailsView populated with data based on onTap() from listview, I will have to pass some variable (or some id), from the listview to detailsView.
I have used Navigator.push before (refer: https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook/navigation/passing-data), but that would work only when moving from one screen to another. I am having trouble sending data from listview to detailsView, on the same screen.
Maybe I am looking at it differently or just unable to search properly.
Would appreciate if someone could point me in the right direction.
If this question is already answered before, then I apologize for the same - please do mark it as duplicate and point me to the correct discussion.
Thanks in advance.
Stay Safe!!
Thanks to everyone who tried helping me out. However, I have now resolved this issue by using Inherited Widget.
Inherited Widget was more suitable for my situation where I needed data to flow from one widget to another without change of screen.