My project has been written by Ruby on Rails, since google-api-client gem does not support inserting the image to spreadsheet through sheet apis, so I am using Google app script to handle this task. Most of times, the inserting has been success with this calling:
@app_script.run_script(script_id, request)
I just provide my script for anyone who're curious:
The problem is sometimes, the calling is failed with below error:
Error detail: [{\"@type\"=>\"\", \"scriptStackTraceElements\"=>[{\"function\"=>\"addImageOnSpreadsheet\"}], \"errorMessage\"=>\"Exception: Error retrieving image from URL or bad URL:\", \"errorType\"=>\"ScriptError\"}]" 2020-04-06T06:03:33.821Z pid=26645 tid=tz8bh class=ImageTakerWorker jid=d847bf91beea8aeb4a30b042 elapsed=11.689 INFO: done Error: 3" "Error detail: [{\"@type\"=>\"\", \"scriptStackTraceElements\"=>[{\"function\"=>\"addImageOnSpreadsheet\"}], \"errorMessage\"=>\"Exception: Error retrieving image from URL or bad URL:\", \"errorType\"=>\"ScriptError\"}]" 2020-04-06T08:00:28.330Z pid=26645 tid=tz7zl class=ImageTakerWorker jid=a6b4fcb47db15f71dbf1d3f5 elapsed=6.514 INFO: done "Insert image ERROR: #, #" "Error: 3" "Error detail: [{\"@type\"=>\"\", \"scriptStackTraceElements\"=>[{\"function\"=>\"addImageOnSpreadsheet\"}], \"errorMessage\"=>\"Exception: Error retrieving image from URL or bad URL:\", \"errorType\"=>\"ScriptError\"}]" 2020-04-06T08:00:28.941Z pid=26645 tid=tzahx class=ImageTakerWorker jid=8010f8c64cb9a0efa672b713 elapsed=7.121 INFO: done
The issue seems happen with url image, somehow google app script could not extract image data. But when issue happen, I just copy and paste above image url in error log to browser manually, it can download the image successfully. Note that I already set the public for image url.
Below is my google app script part:
class GoogleAppScript
APPLICATION_NAME = "Insert image to spreadsheet".freeze
def initialize(user_id, sheet_id, options = {})
@user = User.find(user_id)
@sheet_id = sheet_id
@from_class = options[:from_class]
@service = options[:service]
@keyword = options[:keyword]
@sheet_name = options[:service] == "google" ? "G" + options[:keyword].strip : "Y" + options[:keyword].strip
@image_file_id = options[:image_file_id]
@google_authorization =
@app_script =
@app_script.client_options.application_name = APPLICATION_NAME
@app_script.authorization = @google_authorization
def execute
script_id = "1ndcgpfJMj3YdKj0pEvHWz0pF4NtcQyR1Qg8wj7ZnpKfIwP2UsH0xaYq4"
url_image = "{@image_file_id}&export=download"
start_col = 1
if @from_class == "ImageX"
start_row = 51
width = 692
height = 1500
else # "ImageY"
start_row = @keyword.last == " " ? 30 : 9
width = 694
height = 418
request =
function: "addImageOnSpreadsheet",
parameters: [@sheet_id, @sheet_name, url_image, start_col, start_row, width, height],
response = @app_script.run_script(script_id, request)
if response.error
# Retry until success
# ImageTakerWorker.perform_async(, @sheet_id, @sheet_name, @image_file_id)
p "Insert image ERROR: #{response}, #{response.error}"
p "Error: #{response.error.code}"
p "Error detail: #{response.error.details}"
p "Insert image successfully"
rescue Google::Apis::ClientError
# Handle the error...
Anyone have experience on this?
This is my understanding:
Server error
occurs.In this case, even when setWidth
and setHeight
are used, the error cannot be removed. Because the error occurs when the image is inserted. So in this answer, I would like to propose to insert the image by resizing at a Google Apps Script library.
When your script is modified, it becomes as follows. Before you use this script, please install a GAS library of ImgApp.
function addImageOnSpreadsheet(spreadsheet_id, sheet_name, image_file_id, column, row, width, height) {
let blobSource = DriveApp.getFileById(image_file_id).getBlob();
const obj = ImgApp.getSize(blobSource);
if (obj.height * obj.width > 1048576) {
blobSource = ImgApp.doResize(image_file_id, width).blob;
let image = SpreadsheetApp.openById(spreadsheet_id).insertImage(blobSource, column, row);
This sample script is for receiving multiple file IDs.
function addImageOnSpreadsheet(ar) {
ar.forEach(o => {
let blobSource = DriveApp.getFileById(o.image_file_id).getBlob();
const obj = ImgApp.getSize(blobSource);
if (obj.height * obj.width > 1048576) {
blobSource = ImgApp.doResize(o.image_file_id, o.width).blob;
var image = SpreadsheetApp.openById(o.spreadsheet_id).insertImage(blobSource, o.column, o.row);
For example ar
is like as follows.
ar = [
{spreadsheet_id: "###", image_file_id: "###", column: ##, row: ##, width: ###, height: ###},
{spreadsheet_id: "###", image_file_id: "###", column: ##, row: ##, width: ###, height: ###},