I have tried so many different ways to set nativebase up with expo and am still having an issue. At the moment I'm using the
Getting Started documentation found on the nativebase website.
I first create a new app with expo using
expo init myapp
Then I install nativebase using
npm install native-base --save
Then I finally install the font
expo install expo-font
I even copy the App.js found in the getting started documentation, and after I start the app and try to run it on an emulator I face the below error
Unable to resolve "@expo/vector-icons/Fontisto" from "node_modules\native-base\dist\src\basic\IconNB.js" Failed building JavaScript bundle.
What am I missing? Coming from .NET world this whole process with dependencies is so painful...
*Edit 1
I'm sure someone will make mention of the fact that the error message mentions @expo/vector-icons and I have not installed that. When running before I install this package I get that error, and after I install the mentioned package I still face the exact same error.
Please try with this version of native base :
npm i --save-exact native-base@2.13.8
Expo should release a version with that version .
Hope it helps. feel free for doubts