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How to get a custom attribute on enum by passing in the enum value and attribute type?

there are lots of examples online of creating a enum extension method that takes a enum value as an argument and in the method gets a specific attribute, like so:

namespace MVVMProj.ProjUtilities
  public class EnumerationHelpers
    public static string GetStatusText(this Enum value)
      var type = value.GetType();

      string name = Enum.GetName(type, value);
      if (name == null) { return null; }

      var field = type.GetField(name);
      if (field == null) { return null; }

      var attr = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(field, typeof(StatusTextAttribute)) as StatusTextAttribute;
      if (attr == null) { return null; }

      return attr.StatusText;

What I'm wondering is, is there a way to also pass the method the attribute type, so I don't need to keep writing specific methods for each different attribute?

This is unfinished, but, it should give you the idea of what I'm trying to achieve:

namespace MVVMProj.ProjUtilities
  public class EnumerationHelpers
    public static string GetCustomAttribute(this Enum value, Type customAttr) 
             //Or instead of passing a Type, a string of the attribute's name
      var type = value.GetType();

      string name = Enum.GetName(type, value);
      if (name == null) { return null; }

      var field = type.GetField(name);
      if (field == null) { return null; }

      var attr = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(field, ....) as ....;
      if (attr == null) { return null; }

      return attr....;

I suppose I can't just return a string either as it could be any data type.

Some generic method maybe?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Edit: Usage:

It is iterating over the enum creating a dictionary so I can display the values in a combobox. It only adds the item if the attribute matches the condition in the if statement.

One more thing to note is that the custom attribute is an enum as well.

Aybe: the 'item' is only an object upon the iteration so I do a cast. Though I am getting an error in the if statement, it trying to compare CaseTypeAttribute to an actual CaseType enum value, what do I need to do to resolve?

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS0019 Operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'SBC.CaseTypeAttribute' and 'SBC.CaseType'

private Dictionary<int, string> _substancetypes;
public Dictionary<int, string> SubstanceTypes
    if (_substancetypes == null)
      _substancetypes = new Dictionary<int, string>();
      foreach (var item in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SBC.SubstanceTypeCode)))
        var descriptionAttribute = ((SBC.SubstanceTypeCode)item).GetAttribute<SBC.CaseTypeAttribute>();
        if (descriptionAttribute != null && 
               descriptionAttribute == SBC.CaseType.Exposures) //Error here
          _substancetypes.Add((int)item, CTS_MVVM.CTS_Utilities.EnumerationHelpers.GetDescriptionFromEnumValue((SBC.SubstanceTypeCode)item));

    return _substancetypes;


  • Something like this?

    using System;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Reflection;
    namespace ConsoleApp1
        internal static class Program
            private static void Main(string[] args)
                var descriptionAttribute = MyEnum.A.GetAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>();
        public static class EnumExtensions
            public static T GetAttribute<T>(this Enum @enum) where T : Attribute
                var type = @enum.GetType();
                var name = Enum.GetName(type, @enum);
                var field = type.GetField(name);
                var attribute = field.GetCustomAttribute<T>();
                return attribute;
        public enum MyEnum
            [Description("A")] A,
            [Description("B")] B