I have a Vertex upsert working and an Edge upsert working in 2 separate traversals. Is it possible to combine the 2 into 1 traversal? I have attempted but am receiving errors.
a = self.g.V().has('account', 'id', 'account-111111111').fold().coalesce(.unfold(),.addV('account').property(T.id, 'account-111111111')).has('customer', 'id', 'cust-111111111').as_('v').V().has('account', 'id', 'account-111111111').coalesce(.inE('owns').where(.outV().as_('v')),.addE('owns').from_(.V('customer', 'id', 'cust-111111111')))
Vertex Upsert:
a = g.V().has('account', 'id', 'account-111111111').fold().coalesce(.unfold(),.addV('account').property(T.id, 'account-111111111')) a.next()
Edge Upsert:
a = g.V().has('customer', 'id', 'cust-111111111').as_('v').V().has('account', 'id', 'account-111111111). \ coalesce(.inE('owns').where(.outV().as_('v')),.addE('owns').from_(.V('customer', 'id', 'cust-111111111])))
After studying it for a while, there are quite a few things in your example that will not work.
First of all if you know the ID of a vertex or an edge there is really no need to check the label or any other property.
Secondly T.id is an ID. The value 'id' would be a property called 'id'.
From your question it was a bit hard to piece together what you are wanting to do but here is a first go at what I think you intended. If this is not in fact what you wanted please edit the question to make it more clear. Anyway, I hope this helps
__.addV('account').property(T.id, 'account-111111111')).