Is it possible to use a specific version of Saxon in Orbeon, i.e. bypass using the built in version and use Saxon-HE or Saxon-EE? How would I go about doing this?
There are some old forum posts from 2010 suggesting that this is possible, but the links within it are now dead.
For XSLT transformations only, this is possible, although at this point it's not really documented or encouraged.
In WEB-INF/resources/config/processors-local.xml
, set:
<processors xmlns:oxf="">
<processor name="oxf:my-saxon">
<instantiation name="oxf:generic-xslt-2.0">
<input name="transformer">
<input name="attributes">
<attributes xmlns:xs="">
<!-- By default, prevent usage of external functions for security purposes -->
<attribute as="xs:boolean" name="" value="false"/>
<attribute as="xs:boolean" name="" value="false"/>
<attribute as="xs:boolean" name="" value="false"/>
<attribute as="xs:integer" name="" value="STANDARD_TREE = 0 / TINY_TREE = 1"/>
<attribute as="xs:boolean" name="" value="false"/>
<attribute as="xs:integer" name="" value="RECOVER_SILENTLY = 0 / RECOVER_WITH_WARNINGS = 1 / DO_NOT_RECOVER = 2"/>
<attribute as="xs:boolean" name="" value="false"/>
<attribute as="xs:boolean" name="" value="false"/>
<attribute as="xs:boolean" name="" value="false"/>
Also place your Saxon JAR in WEB-INF/lib
, of course.
Then, when using the processor, you should use oxf:my-saxon
(but pick a better name).