I am using Elastic APM agent (https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/apm/agent/dotnet/current/index.html) to instrument an ASP.NET MVC Application. I added the nuget packages and added the module entry in the web.config.
I am able to get data in the Kibana APM tab and nicely shows the time spent by each call. (see screenshot below).
Mu Question is: How can I drill down inside each of these calls to see where the time is spent in the stackstace? Is there something I am missing?
There are basically 2 ways the agent captures things:
In a typical ASP.NET Classic MVC application the agent has auto instrumentation for outgoing HTTP calls with HttpClient
, Database calls with EF6 (Make sure to add the interceptor) (SqlClient
support is already work-in-progress, hopefully released soon). So unless you have any of these within those requests, the agent won't capture things out of the box.
If you want to capture more things, currently the way to go is to place some agent specific code - so basically manual code instrumentation - into your application and use the public agent API.