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Dependency between two async actions in Vue

My Home.vue needs two async actions:

created() {

This is their Vuex implementation:

GET_LATEST_POLL: async (context) => {
  const pollData = await axios.get(`${BFF_ENDPOINT}/polls/last`, getAuthHeader(context));
  const item =;
  context.commit('SET_LATEST_POLL', item);

INIT_STREAM: async (context) => {
  const streamData = await axios.get(`${API_ENDPOINT}/polls/?obd=date`, getAuthHeader(context));
  const items =;
  items.filter(item => item._id !== context.state.latestPoll._id);
  context.commit('SET_STREAM', items);

I realized there is a dependency of INIT_STREAM to LATEST_POLL on context.state.latestPoll. I do not want to serialize both actions, I want they both talk to the backend paralelly. But then I need INIT_STREAM to wait for the LATEST_POLL result.

How can I achieve it? Do I have to merge the logic into the single action which fires two promises and then await Promise.all([latestPoll, items])? Is this correct approach?


  • I would suggest you to have a single action dispatched from your component which in turn dispatches other 2 actions which do not mutate anything.

    LatestPollAndStreamAction: async (context) => {
        let pollDataRequest = axios.get(...);
        let streamDataRequest = axios.get(...);
        Promise.all(pollDataRequest , streamDataRequest).then(([latestPoll, items]) => {
            const pollItem =;
            context.commit('SET_LATEST_POLL', pollItem);
            //logic for the other commit
            const streamItems =;
            streamItems.filter(item => item._id !== context.state.latestPoll._id);
            context.commit('SET_STREAM', streamItems);

    This will ensure that both of your requests are fired in parallel and once you have the result from both using do the commits in desired order.

    PS: The code is not tested but is just you give a gist of the desired approach