I'm using the Ionic Framework and I wonder if it's possible to defined global options for ion-item elements.
In .html files I got
<ion-item lines="none"></ion-item>
I would like every ion-item to have the "lines=nones". Is there a way to define it globally so that I could only use:
One way to achieve that would be by adding the following in the variables.scss
ion-item {
--inner-border-width: 0px;
Although to be honest, if in the future you want to show an ion-item
with lines it may be hard to remember/debug why the lines are not shown when adding an <ion-item></ion-item>
to the view.
So if the only difference is one attribute, I guess it'd be better to just be explicit and add lines="none"
on each ion-item
that you want to show without lines.
<ion-item lines="none"></ion-item>
<ion-item lines="none"></ion-item>