I have a dimension that consists of members with the following format 100 - Sales, 200 - Purchase etc. What I wish to do, is to substring starting from the left and remove everyting after the first space. So the result would be "100" and "200" for the two examples. I have done this in sql before with the following code syntax: LEFT(MyField, CHARINDEX('', MyField) - 1)
But it doesnt seem to work when I apply the same logic in SSAS. LEFT([MyField].[MyField].Members,CHARINDEX('',[MyField].[MyField].Members)-1).
Does anyone know the syntax to accomplish the same thing in SSAS?
Best regards, Rubrix
You should use INSTR function (instead of CHARINDEX), so something like this on Adventure Works database:
with member Measures.[Short Name]
left("Aaron A. Allen", instr("Aaron A. Allen", " " ) - 1)
select Measures.[Short Name] on 0,
[Customer].[Customer].members on 1
from [Adventure Works];
or like this:
with member Measures.[Customer Short Name]
left([Customer].[Customer].currentmember.MEMBER_CAPTION, instr([Customer].[Customer].currentmember.MEMBER_CAPTION, " " ) - 1)
select {Measures.[Customer Short Name], [Measures].[Customer Count]} on 0,
[Customer].[Customer].members on 1
from [Adventure Works]