I have a folium map called imap. I have created a string object called test_mark which is a string 'Coruña-Torre de Hércules: Presión: 964.4hPa'
test_mark = 'Coruña-Torre de Hércules: Presión: 964.4hPa'
folium.Marker(location=(43.30,-8.30),popup= test_mark, icon= folium.Icon()).add_to(imap)
When I check the marker on the map, what I get is 'Coruña-Torre de Hércules: Presión: 964.4hPa'. I guess it might be some kind of encoding problem, but I can not figure out how to solve it.
Thanks in advance
You can add charset=windows-1252
through meta
tag for Spanish language such as
import folium
lt = 43.30
ln = -8.30
imap = folium.Map(location=[lt,ln],zoom_start=19)
test_mark = '<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"></head>'
test_mark += '<strong>Coruña-Torre de Hércules: Presión: 964.4hPa<strong>'
popup= test_mark,
icon= folium.Icon()).add_to(imap)