I would like to use the Quick select ranges option of the nxg datepicker, but not work for me. I have installed in angular with npm, i have imported the module in app.module.ts, and i have imported the css, everything works except the Quick select ranges option.
This is the code on the input tag:
<input (bsValueChange)="changeDate($event)" type="text" placeholder="Daterangepicker" class="form-control" [bsConfig]="{ ranges: ranges, containerClass: 'theme-red' }" [bsValue]="bsValue" bsDaterangepicker>
and i pass in the component the ranges value
ranges = [{
value: [new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() - 7)), new Date()],
label: 'Last 7 Days'
}, {
value: [new Date(), new Date(new Date().setDate(new Date().getDate() + 7))],
label: 'Next 7 Days'
what am I doing wrong?
Thank's for any help.
I had the same issue. Custom range selector is available in datepicker of ngx-bootstrap version 5.6.0 and above. Check your package.json, to verify the version of ngx you are using. I upgraded it to 5.6.0 and it started working