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How to resize (control) subscript sizes in MathJax

I have included the MathJax library in me HTML by including within the 'head' tag of my HTML.

  <script id="MathJax-script" async src="">

Then, I used the delimiter to signal the MathJax parsing...

 \[\sigma_{X}^{2} = VAR[X = E[(X-m_X)^2]\]

But note, the terrible sizing ratio between 'm' and its subscript 'X'.

enter image description here

I simply want to control this sizing. Or have MathJax configured to yield, what should be standard ratios between identifier and sub- or super-script.


  • You may control the size with LaTeX syntax (rather than MathJax configuration):

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html lang="en">
    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <script src=""></script>
    <script id="MathJax-script" async src=""></script>
    \[\sigma_{\tiny X}^{2} = VAR[X = E[(X-m_X)^2]\]
    \[\sigma_{\scriptsize X}^{2} = VAR[X = E[(X-m_X)^2]\]
    \[\sigma_{\small X}^{2} = VAR[X = E[(X-m_X)^2]\]
    \[\sigma_{X}^{2} = VAR[X = E[(X-m_X)^2]\]
    \[\sigma_{\large X}^{2} = VAR[X = E[(X-m_X)^2]\]
    \[\sigma_{\Large X}^{2} = VAR[X = E[(X-m_X)^2]\]
    \[\sigma_{\LARGE X}^{2} = VAR[X = E[(X-m_X)^2]\]
    \[\sigma_{\huge X}^{2} = VAR[X = E[(X-m_X)^2]\]

    Actually, only footnotesize does not work for me (JSFiddle).