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How can I update an XML attribute node with the maximum of its sub-attributes?

Consider the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
        <pupil name="Adam" highestJump="">
            <jump height="4"/>
            <jump height="1"/>
        <pupil name="Berta" highestJump="">
            <jump height="4"/>
            <jump height="7"/>
        <pupil name="Caesar" highestJump="">
            <jump height="1"/>
            <jump height="2"/>
        <pupil name="Doris" highestJump="">
            <jump height="5"/>
            <jump height="5"/>

How can I fill the highestJump attribute nodes with the respective maximum height value, using xmlstarlet?


  • This problem consists of two sub-problems:

    Finding the maximum

    xmlstarlet does not have the max() function, so we have to find a way around:

    cat jumps.xml | \
    xmlstarlet select -t -v "//pupil/jump[not(@height <= following-sibling::jump/@height) and not(@height < preceding-sibling::jump/@height)]/@height"

    Note the <= and < – if there are more than one maximum values, only the last one will be taken.



    Updating the attribute

    Constant value for practice

    cat jumps.xml | xmlstarlet edit --update //pupil/@highestJump -v "Hahahaha"

    ...writes Hahahaha to every highestJump attribute.

    Simple XPath

    Take care: The XPath you use for replacing

    • is relative to the selected attribute (so . is the attribute itself)
    • has to be wrapped with eg. string() to have an effect


    cat jumps.xml | xmlstarlet edit --update //pupil/@highestJump -x "string(../@name)"

    <pupil name="Adam" highestJump="Adam">
    <pupil name="Berta" highestJump="Berta">
    <pupil name="Caesar" highestJump="Caesar">
    <pupil name="Doris" highestJump="Doris">

    Combining the two

    cat jumps.xml | xmlstarlet edit --update //pupil/@highestJump -x "string(../jump[not(@height <= following-sibling::jump/@height) and not(@height < preceding-sibling::jump/@height)]/@height)"

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <pupil name="Adam" highestJump="4">
          <jump height="4"/>
          <jump height="1"/>
        <pupil name="Berta" highestJump="7">
          <jump height="4"/>
          <jump height="7"/>
        <pupil name="Caesar" highestJump="2">
          <jump height="1"/>
          <jump height="2"/>
        <pupil name="Doris" highestJump="5">
          <jump height="5"/>
          <jump height="5"/>