I want to customize my PowerShell prompt to my personal preference. After following the information provided by the Microsoft docs I finally ended up with a satisfying result.
Then I opened a remote session and the prompt was not loaded during the remote session. Instead the default one was used.
My question now is whether there's a possability of exporting the local prompt to a PowerShell remote session (to every computer). What's interesting in my opinion is that the remote session to my own computer also didn't load the globally configured prompt on my computer. Also I want to know whether (and how) you can customize this remote prompt if there's a special possability (e.g. define a function like remote-prompt {...}
to configure the PSRemoting prompt) for this, provided that you do need (or can) export the local prompt.
The official docs to customize the prompt only explained local things like nesting which are not working by default.
You might want to do something with PowerShell Profiles.
Also you can change the look and feel from your PowerShell by changing the $host.UI.RawUI
parameters. Eg. $host.ui.RawUI.WindowTitle = "Installing some stuff..."
, $host.ui.RawUI.WindowSize=(New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.Size(1024,768)
, $host.ui.RawUI.ForeGroundColor = "red"
, etc...