this is my dataframe#1 :city names with its latitude and longitude
df1 = {"city":['delhi','new york','london','paris','chennai'],"lat":[12.23,22.444,23.233,45.32,34.22],"long":[11.22,22.332,34.23,55.23,24.22]
this is dataframe#2 : country names with latitude and longitude
df2 = pd.DataFrame({"country":['India','US','UK','France','India'],"lat":[12.13,22.54,22.33,45.32,34.22],"long":[11.12,22.132,34.23,54.23,24.22]})
I need to match these two columns lat and long to merge these two tables. the problem is the lat and long is not exactly matching and the values are + or - 0.1 or 0.2. (if matched I can use the pd.merge option) lat and longs are not real here. just an example
Expected Result:
result = pd.DataFrame({"city":['delhi','new york','london','paris','chennai'],"country":['India','US','UK','France','India'],"lat":[12.13,22.54,22.33,45.32,34.22],"long":[11.12,22.132,34.23,54.23,24.22]})
what is the best approach to merge these tables?
For example of a cross merge:
.query('abs(lat_x-lat_y)<=0.1 and abs(long_x-long_y)<=0.2')
.drop('dummy', axis=1)
city lat_x long_x country lat_y long_y
0 delhi 12.230 11.220 India 12.13 11.120
6 new york 22.444 22.332 US 22.54 22.132
24 chennai 34.220 24.220 India 34.22 24.220