I needed to combine two firestore query stream in my flutter project. How do I do this? I tried StreamZip([Stream1, stream2]) method to combine the streams and it worked for me. but the streams maybe contains the same documents. so when I listed them all of the documents are listed, even there is a duplicate of it. How do I remove the duplicate documents from these two streams?
Stream<List<QuerySnapshot>> getData() {
Stream defaultStream1 = _firestore
.where("gymPlaceTags", arrayContainsAny: ["dubai"])
.orderBy('createdAt', descending: true)
Stream defaultStream2 = _firestore
.where("gymFavTags", arrayContainsAny: ["ajman"])
.orderBy('createdAt', descending: true)
return StreamZip([defaultStream1, defaultStream2]);
There are several steps you'll need to take:
the stream to return another a List<DocumentSnapshot>
instead of List<QuerySnapshot>
function, use fold
on the List to remove duplicates and map to List<DocumentSnapshot>
In the fold
function, go over every document in the QuerySnapshot
and check if the document with the same id is already present before adding.
Stream<List<DocumentSnapshot>> merge(Stream<List<QuerySnapshot>> streamFromStreamZip) {
return streamFromStreamZip.map((List<QuerySnapshot> list) {
return list.fold([], (distinctList, snapshot) {
snapshot.documents.forEach((DocumentSnapshot doc) {
final newDocument = distinctList.firstWhere(
(DocumentSnapshot listed) =>
listed.documentId == doc.documentId,
orElse: () => null) == null;
if (newDocument) {
return distinctList;
Note: I didn't run this code, but it should be something like this.