We have two versions of Active perl 5.6 and 5.24. We have web services which has to be executed on Active perl '5.24' versions(to adopt TLS 1.2 version) and this needs to be invoked from Active perl '5.6' version. We are using windows operating system.
Steps followed : Caller code which is executed in 5.6 version invokes the 5.24 version using system /require command.
Problem: How to call the 5.24 perl function(example: webservicecall(arg1){return "xyz") from 5.6 perl script through system command, require or etc..? Also how to get the return value of perl function 5.24?
Note: Its a temporary work around to have two perl versions and the we have a plan to do upgrade it for higher version.
Here perl version 5.6 installed in "C:\Perl\bin\perl\" and perl version 5.24 installed in "D:\Perl\bin\perl\".
print "Hello Perl5_6\n";
system('D:\Perl\bin\perl D:\sample_program\p5.24.pl');
print $OUTFILE;
$retval = Mul(25, 10);
print ("Return value is $retval\n" );
print "Hello Perl5_24\n";
our $OUTFILE = "Hello test";
sub Mul($$)
my($a, $b ) = @_;
my $c = $a * $b;
I have written sample program for detail information to call perl 5.24 version from perl script 5.6 version. During execution I didn't get the expected output. How to get the "return $c" value & the "our $OUTFILE" value of p5_24.pl in p5_6.pl script?
Note: The above is the sample program based on this I will modify the actual program using serialized data.
Place the code for the function that needs v5.24 in a wrapper script, written just so that it runs that function (and prints its result). Actually, I'd recommend writing a module with that function and then loading that module in the wrapper script.
Then run that script under the wanted (5.24) interpreter, by invoking it via its full path. (You may need to be careful to make sure that all libraries and environment are right.) Do this in a way that allows you to pick up its output. That can be anything from backticks (qx
) to pipe-open or, better, to good modules. There is a range of modules for this, like IPC::System::Simple
, Capture::Tiny
, IPC::Run3
, or IPC::Run
. Which to use would depend on how much you need out of that call.
You can't call a function in a running program but to have it somehow run under another program.
Also, variables (like $OUTFILE
) defined in one program cannot be seen in another one. You can print them from the v5.24 program, along with that function result, and then parse that whole output in the v5.6 program. Then the two programs would need a little "protocol" -- to either obey an order in which things are printed, or to have prints labeled in some way.
Much better, write a module with functions and variables that need be shared. Then the v5.24 program can load the module and import the function it needs and run it, while the v5.6 program can load the same module but only to pick up that variable (and also run the v5.24 program).
Here is a sketch of all this. The package file SharedBetweenPerls.pm
package SharedBetweenPerls;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(Mul export_vars);
my $OUTFILE = 'test_filename';
sub Mul { return $_[0] * $_[1] }
sub export_vars { return $OUTFILE }
and then the v5.24 program (used below as program_for_5.24.pl
) can do
use warnings;
use strict;
# Require this to be run by at least v5.24.0
use v5.24;
# Add path to where the module is, relative to where this script is
# In our demo it's the script's directory ($RealBin)
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use lib $RealBin;
use SharedBetweenPerls qw(Mul);
my ($v1, $v2) = @ARGV;
print Mul($v1, $v2);
while the v5.6 program can do
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature 'say';
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use lib $RealBin;
use SharedBetweenPerls qw(export_vars);
my $outfile = export_vars(); #--> 'test_filename'
# Replace "path-to-perl..." with an actual path to a perl
my $from_5.24 = qx(path-to-perl-5.24 program_for_5.24.pl 25 10); #--> 250
say "Got variable: $outfile, and return from function: $from_5.24";
where $outfile
has the string test_filename
while $from_5.24
variable is 250
This is tested to work as it stands if both programs, and the module, are in the same directory, with names as in this example. (And with path-to-perl-5.24
replaced with the actual path to your v5.24 executable.) If they are at different places you need to adjust paths, probably the package name and the use lib
line. See lib pragma.
Please note that there are better ways to run an external program --- see the recommended modules above. All this is a crude demo since many details depend on what exactly you do.
Finally, the programs can also connect via a socket and exchange all they need but that is a bit more complex and may not be needed.
† The question's been edited, and we now have D:\Perl\bin\perl
for path-to-perl-5.24
and D:\sample_program\p5.24.pl
for program_for_5.24
Note that with such a location of the p5.24.pl
program you'd have to come up with a suitable location for the module and then its name would need to have (a part of) that path in it and to be loaded with such name. See for example this post.
A crude demo without a module (originally posted)
As a very crude sketch, in your program that runs under v5.6 you could do
my $from_5.24 = qx(path-to-perl-5.24 program_for_5.24.pl 25 10);
where the program_for_5.24.pl
then could be something like
use warnings;
use strict;
sub Mul { return $_[0] * $_[1] }
my ($v1, $v2) = @ARGV;
print Mul($v1, $v2);
and the variable $from_5.24
ends up being 250
in my test.