I'm having trouble figuring out an error in how I'm concatenating a string in python.
The goal is to format numbers into a string which I can print with a consistent length.
I've written the following code:
def numPrint(number,roundplace):
num = round(number, roundplace)
if num > 0:
output = ('+' + str(num))
elif num < 0:
output = (str(num))
output = (' 0.' + '0' * roundplace)
if len(output) < (3 + roundplace):
output2 = (output + '0')
output2 = output
return output2
print(numPrint(0.001, 3))
print(numPrint(0, 3))
print(numPrint(-0.0019, 3))
print(numPrint(-0.01, 3))
print(numPrint(0.1, 3))
I expect it to print:
however, I'm getting
How do I add "0"'s to the last one to get it to work?
You just forgot to multiply the zeros for output2
if len(output) < (3 + roundplace):
output2 = (output + ('0'*(3 + roundplace - len(output))))
output2 = output
Or if you don't mind using built-in function:
output2 = output.ljust(3 + roundplace, '0')