I am coding in Svelte and use jimp to blur the image before displaying. However, I successfully blur and return the images' URIs (logged and had the URIs displayed in the console), but the images are not render where i call the function in the <img> src
I have a processImage function:
const processImage = async imgMeta => {
const buf = Buffer.from(imgMeta.replace(/^data:image\/\w+;base64,/, ""), 'base64');
Jimp.read(buf, (err, image) => {
if (err) throw err;
else {
.getBase64(Jimp.AUTO, function (err, newImageURI) {
return newImageURI;
And, i call it in the :
<img src={processedImage} alt="preview" />
But the image is not rendered. This is odds, as i expected it should work.
There was an error with the value returning from a callback function. The newImageURI
will not be returned.
Await synchronous and getBase64Async from Jimp are helpful solutions:
newImageURI = await image.blur(20).getBase64Async(Jimp.AUTO);
return newImageURI;
And the function call in the body remains unchanged:
{#await processImage(item.files[0].preview)}
{:then processedImage}
<img src={processedImage} alt="preview" />
I got this run.