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Cloud NDB: transactionally put() multiple entities

There are situations where we must save two or more datastore entities at once (either both entities are saved or neither is saved). For my example, I want to create a UserProfile entity when a User entity is created.

from entities import User, UserProfile

def create_user_and_profile():
    # First, create the User entity
    user = User(email=email, password=password_hash)

    # Then, create a UserProfile entity
    # that takes a user.key as parent
    user_profile = UserProfile(parent=user.key)

The function above is not atomic. It is possible that only one or neither of the entities are saved successfully.

How can I make this atomic?


  • there's transactional decorator in ndb you can use. If any of the records would fail to be saved, none of them will:

    from import ndb
    def create_user_and_profile():
        # First, create the User entity
        user = User(email=email, password=password_hash)
        # Then, create a UserProfile entity
        # that takes a user.key as parent
        user_profile = UserProfile(parent=user.key)
    with ndb_client.context(): # ndb client instance