This is just simple app for music. When searching in the SearchActivity
, I want the composer's name and song title to be searched and listed together. Here is my Realtime Database in Firebase.
- Artists
- 1
- image : "Maroon 5's image"
- name : "Maroon 5"
- 2
- image : "Ruel's image_2"
- name : "Ruel"
- Songs
- 1
- album : "Speak Your Mind (Deluxe)"
- image : "album's image"
- name : "Anne-Marie"
- title : "2002"
- url : "song's url"
- 2
- album : "On My Way"
- image : "album's image"
- name : "Alan Walker & Sabrina Carpenter & Farruko"
- title : "On My Way"
- url : "song's url"
I tried to access those two databases in android studio, but the data result in ArrayList(=array) was always null. Here is my kotlin code in SearchActivity
when click the button SEARCH.
FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getReference("Artists").addListenerForSingleValueEvent(object : ValueEventListener {
override fun onCancelled(p0: DatabaseError) {
override fun onDataChange(p0: DataSnapshot) {
for (artist in p0.children) {
val model = artist.getValue(
model?.let { array.add(Model(it)) }
FirebaseDatabase.getInstance().getRefernce("Songs").addListenerForSingleValueEvent(object : ValueEventListner {
override fun onCancelled(p0: DatabaseError) {
override fun onDataChanged(p0: DataSnapshot) {
for (song for p0.children) {
val model = song.getValue(
model?.let { array.add(Model(it)) }
adapter = SearchAdapter(this@SearchActivity, array)
recyclerView.adapter = adpater
Is it possible to access two databases and get an array value without a null value? I know that onDatachanged()
happens late, but is it possible to put the value in the array and then put it in the adapter? I would appreciate it if you let me know in Java or Kotlin.
Oh! I'm sorry; I got a solution. Solution is just add adapter.notifyDataSetChange()```` in all
onDataChange()``` method. In this way, I can get data from two database in firebase. Thank you for all your comment!