My data
1 14.7
2 14.58
3 14.82
4 14.59
5 14.67
... ...
150 13.76
I already draw graph and upper/lower envelope line. Next, I want to apply Kalman smoother for u/l envelope line. Is there proper example about Kalman smoother??
Here is my implementation of kernel filter, works fine on my data. This code was written based on I hope this helps.
def kalmanfilter(x,p,z,r):
# p - estimate unceratininty
# r - measurement unceratininty ( σ2 )
# z - Measured System State
# Kalman gain calculation
K = p/(p+r)
# estimate current state
x1 = x + K*(z-x)
# update current estimate uncertainity
p1 = (1-K)*p
return (x1,p1)