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Query Python logs in Glue Query with CloudWatch Insights

I'm very new to CloudWatch Insights, and I've been trying to understand how to get it to work with Python logging. Currently I have an AWS Glue ETL query setup in PySpark/Python. I am using the default logging package for Python in the script.

I've read the documentation, and I couldn't find any details as to how to format the logging that would make it query-able through CloudWatch Insights. Ideally, I would like to setup different fields in the log messages that I can query and get the values from through with Insights.

Here's an example of a logging message in the script:

import timeit

start = timeit.default_timer() some code

stop = timeit.default_timer()

runtime = stop - start'Runtime: {}'.format(runtime))

I would want to query the custom field like @Runtime to show all the runtimes in that column for different runs. With this, I would also like to see a simple Insight query example so I can build on that.

Anyone help would be really appreciated!


  • Its the sames as setting up a simple logger

    Simple sample below

    MSG_FORMAT = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s: %(message)s'
    logger = logging.getLogger('Something')

    Then your code

    start = timeit.default_timer() some code
    stop = timeit.default_timer()
    runtime = stop - start'Runtime: {}'.format(runtime))