I'm getting stuck trying to prove the substi_correct theorem in SF because I don't know how to split on boolean equality and simultaneously assert this as propositional equality.
Theorem substi_correct : forall s x t t',
[x:=s]t = t' <-> substi s x t t'.
+ generalize dependent t'.
induction t; intros.
- simpl in H.
case (eqb_string x0 s0).
* constructor. (*Doesn't work*)
The proof goal is as follows, without the needed H : x0 = s0 so that I can proceed.
s : tm
x0, s0 : string
substi s x0 (var s0) s
In the Maps.v chapter we prove, in addition to a false case,
Theorem eqb_string_true_iff : forall x y : string,
eqb_string x y = true <-> x = y.
but how can I use then when pattern matching on (eqb_string x0 s0) so that I can proceed? Am I supposed to use this as a lemma in the proof or is there an easier way to proceed?
You can use the variant of the destruct
tactic with the eqn:
clause to add a hypothesis remembering which case you're in:
destruct (eqb_string x0 s0) eqn:Ex0s0 (* <-- You can pick any name for the equation here *)
- (* Ex0s0 : eqb_string x0 s0 = true *)
apply eqb_string_true_iff in Ex0s0.
- (* Ex0s0 : eqb_string x0 s0 = false *)
apply eqb_string_false_iff in Ex0s0.