I'm trying to write a snippet to make case-style statements in JavaScript quicker. Right now I have this, and it works:
"long if-else": {
"scope": "javascript,typescript,html",
"prefix": "ie",
"body": [
"if ( $2 ) {\n\n} ${1/(.)/else if ( ) {\n\n} /g}else {\n\n}\n"
it allows you to insert 0 or more else if statements in between the opening if and closing else by entering n characters after first tab and hitting tab again.
I would like the user (me) to be able to specify a value to go inside the brackets (like myVar =
). I've tried setting up a variable to be evaluated after the transform, but it hasn't been read as a variable.
You can't put a tabstop or another variable inside the replacement part of a transform.
You have to use a different approach if you want each if/else block to contain a different variable, like:
if (myVar == ) {
} else if (myVar == a) {
} else if (myVar == b) {
} else if (myVar == c) {
} else if (myVar == d) {
} else {
You have to list those variables first before generating each else if block. Try this snippet:
"long if-else": {
"scope": "javascript,typescript,html",
"prefix": "ie",
"body": [
"if (myVar = $2) {\n",
"${1/(\\w+)(,\\s*|\\b)/} else if (myVar = $1) {${2:?\n\n:\n}/g}",
"} else {",
Here is a demo to see how you input the variables:
You enter each of the myVar's as a comma-separated list and then Tab. It doesn't handle the zero-case though without some more complications.