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php artisan migrate is not making tables in laravel 7

i am trying to migrate my first migration in laravel 7 project i have created database in phpmyadmin. i have Laragon app for localServer, these are my .env code for database connection


when i do php artisan migrate it tells me that migrations are migrated, but when i go to phpmyadmin for checking tables it says no tables in this database,

Is there any problem with my phpmyadmin? O any issue in new version 7 of laravel?

because when i added a phpmyadmin to laragon app there was issue with login password of phpmyadmin, default password was not working and then i think i edit of its files to make no password at login on phpmyadmin after that i just type root as use and login it works, other old version laravel pakgs are working but this new version of laravel is making this issue at php artisan migrate


  • Make sure that every time you change your .env file you also do the following commands to clear any cache and make sure you are using the latest changes :

    php artisan config:clear
    php artisan cache:clear

    Also make sure that root has no password and you can login to phpmyadmin without one.