I am having problems when I attempt to add a new Swift Package to my project.
On Xcode 11.3.1 I receive a "Couldn't communicate with a helper application." error message.
PS with Xcode 11.4 the error message has changed to "Communication with the service was interrupted."
Having looked in the console app I can see a com.apple.dt.Xcode.sourcecontrol.Git
crash is occuring. I've uploaded the crash report here...
I've finally worked out what this was. I had something in my ~/.gitconfig
file which Xcode obviously did't like.
I worked this out by removing the ~/.gitconfig
and then retrying (and it worked). Then I tried removing parts of the ~/.gitconfig
contents bit by bit.
Evntually I idenitified that this was the section causing the issue.
[includeIf "gitdir:~/some/path/"]
path = "~/some/path/.gitconfig_include"
This section works in other contexts. No idea why it causes Xcode to barf.