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How to get missing time to a microtime from another one, formatted (H:i:S) with PHP?

i am new to stackOverflow, i was wondering how could i get the missing time date to a microtime(true) starting from another microtime(true), and get it formatted like that (H:i:s). This is my code:

$rewardCountdown = microtime(true) - $this->dailyRewardTime; // daily reward is another microtime(true)
$rewardAvailable = $rewardCountdown >= 60 * 60 * 24; // check if 24h are gone so we can get reward

Basically i want to get the $rewardCountdown in this format (H:i:s) I tried and somehow got something like that but i was getting the time increasing instead of decreasing


  • The current microtime minus a previous microtime would be a positive value, of the number of seconds passed between the two times.

    If you want to convert seconds into Hours, Minutes and Seconds, you can simply use gmdate.

    $rewardCountdown = microtime(true) - $this->dailyRewardTime;
    $date = gmdate('H:i:s', $rewardCountdown);